Weather Shield

3.64L Barn Red Exterior Latex Barn Paint

Item #: 1819214
$33.99 EA
This economical, great value latex paint is recommended for barns, sheds, granaries, corrals, fences, or paddocks. The barn paint has a flat sheen to hide imperfections, and is available in convenient 3.78L and 18.9L sizes in two pre-mixed colours: white and barn red. Sheen: <5 when viewed at a 60° angle. Note: Use Beauti-Tone Rust Coat paint on metal roofs.
  • A flat latex paint finish
  • Helps hide surface imperfections
  • Easy to apply
  • Lead and mercury free
  • Easy soap and water clean up
  • Good for exterior use on: barns, sheds and granaries, corrals, fences or paddocks
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